So...I meant to have pictures from the Eastern Iowa Bridal Fair to share with you all....including pictures of my new, fabulous Cupcake Tower...and our super cute table display...but wouldn't you camera was dead! A rookie mistake I know! Luckily Kara of KV Photography was set-up at the same show and was able to snap some pics, so when I get them you'll be the first to know ;)
I still have something really FUN and exciting to share with you though!
One of my absolute FAVORITE things to do is go on blog-hunts to find fun, new sites and inspiration! I’m still relatively new to the blogosphere but when I first entered the blogging realm last summer I was BEYOND AMAZED at all the talent out there! It was also SO super cool to find a way to connect with people who are into the same things as me. I felt instantly at home and truly cherish all the connections I have made!
To that-end….the super cute and cool Kirsten from Mushki Loves informed me that she was awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award! So fun! It’s a really great way to spread the love and introduce your readers to other bloggers that you’re into stalking….errrr….reading…whatev! Here's my Award ;)
Be sure to visit Kirsten's blog...she has TONS of fun ideas and yummy-looking recipes...
you'll LOVE her site!
Here's how it works:
- Thank the person who gave you this award by linking back to their site in your original post.
- Tell us seven things about yourself
- Pass along this award to six newly discovered bloggers
- Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award!
So here are 7 totally random, hopefully interesting things about a picture since I don't think there's a single one of ME on my own blog (shocking I know!):
Photo of me with my Little Sweet Roll by KV Photography |
1. I’m super sarcastic by nature. I wish there was a sarcasm font so people could really get the gist of what I’m typing. I love that my nearly 3 year-old son already gets sarcasm. I think his sassy-self is going to give me a run-for-my-money….like in another year or so ;)
2. I’m a compulsive list-maker. To-do Lists, To-Make Lists, To-Bake Lists, Party Ideas, Shopping Lists, Random Inspiration Lists….post-it notes are literally scattered everywhere! I also regularly misplace or leave-behind my lists…which leads to duplicate lists….it’s never-ending!
One glimmer of hope: Pinterest! LOVE-it! It has helped me SO much with my online listing and finding my way back to sites/items I wanted to remember ;)
3. I have serious O.C.D. tendencies when it comes to planning parties or special events! I get totally and completely consumed by all the details during the planning process. I’ve learned by now that I have to just go with it or else I won’t stop thinking (and thinking…and thinking….like around 2am, 4am, etc) about all the ideas I have.
4. I LOVE watching the show Hoarders because it makes me feel better about all the stuff I have piled up in my basement….but… it also makes me feel like I’m one tragic life event away from starting to collect garbage. It’s a fine line people…I know!
5. I have a bit of a potty-mouth. Depending on the audience, I like to sprinkle choice curse-words around my conversation like confetti. I’m nipping this one in the bud though because it’s definitely not cute to hear your children repeat these naughty words….especially in public….like at the grocery store or something (not that…ahem….this has actually happened or anything…)
6. I LOVE (love-love!) baking and making special treats….but I love packaging them and presenting them just as much! It really is all about the presentation…well, taste is important too I guess-LOL! Sidenote about the whole loving baking thing: I HATE doing dishes… so I’m constantly trying to coerce someone else (i.e. my hubby) into cleaning up the kitchen. You think he would be honored to be my kitchen assistant….apparently not.
7. This one is going to be a confession of sorts: I am currently addicted to watching the movie Tangled! I just cannot get over the cuteness! We seriously have it playing almost every day…. and if I haven’t watched it I think to myself, “Oh NO! I haven’t watched Tangled today!” Luckily my son’s movie selection can be easily swayed ;)
I’m bestowing the Versatile Blogger Award to the following SUPER-FAB bloggers….I know you’ll LOVE them too!
And of course a BIG THANKS to all of you for following ME!